Paediatric Acupuncture

Paediatric Acupuncture is a safe and gentle treatment used for a variety of physical and emotional issues in children. It is wholly suited for many of the most common childhood conditions including coughs, asthma, hay fever, digestive problems, sleep disturbances, bed wetting and anxiety.
At each session your child will be assessed and treatment tailored accordingly, this is done in each treatment. Time is taken to listen and understand their story and how it affects their daily life. By building a strong rapport with the child ensures a comfortable and stress-free experience and helps us understand who they are.
Your child may be open to using needles in the first treatment, however if they are not then non-needle techniques can be used, which include Paediatric Tui Na (Chinese medical massage), Shonishin (Children needles), Gua Sha, cupping, moxabustion, press needles and seeds. Sometimes, after a couple of sessions they may be more comfortable to try needles.
To find out more please book a discovery call or email.